Peter Schaar- CV (March, 2024)
Chairman of the European Academy for Freedom of Information and Data Protection (EAID), Chairman of the arbitration board of the gematik GmbH (National Agency for the digitalization of the healthcare system), Member of the Supervisory Board of Hausheld AG, former German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, former chairman of Article 29 Working Party of the European Union
Mr. Schaar was born in Berlin in 1954 and has a degree in Economics. From 1979 to 1986 various functions in the public administration. 1986 to 2002 in the office of Hamburg’s Data Protection Commissioner, initially as the head of the technology unit and later as deputy commissioner. 2002/2003 founder and managing director of a consulting company for data protection. From 2003 to 2013 Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Since 2007 guest lecturer at the University of Hamburg
Member of editorial boards of following journals: European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL), der Zeitschrift für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), Privacy in Germany (PinG)
Membership: Fundamental Rights European Experts Group (FREE Group), Patient Privacy Rights (PPR) Strategy Team, Member of Honor Bundesverband der Datenschutzbeauftragten Deutschlands (BvD), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (gdd), Hamburger Datenschutzgesellschaft (HDG), Datenschutzbeirat der Deutschen Telekom, Jury for Surveillance Studies Award for journalists, Ethics board CORRECTIV, Supervisory Board of Hausheld AG, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Books: Datenschutz im Internet (2002), Das Ende der Privatsphäre (The End of Privacy, 2007), Überwachung total – Wie wir in Zukunft unsere Daten schützen (Total Surveillance – How We Protect our Data in Future, 2014), Das digitale Wir – Unser Weg in die transparente Gesellschaft (The Digital We – Our way in the transparent society, 2015), Trügerische Sicherheit – Wie die Terrorangst uns in den Ausnahmezustand treibt (Deceptive Security: How the Fear of Terrorism is Driving Us into a State of Emergency, 2017), Diagnose: Digital-Desaster – Ist das Gesundheitswesen noch zu retten? 2023 (Diagnosis: Digital disaster – can the healthcare system still be saved?),
Awards: Prize of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation “Das politische Buch 2008” (“The Political Book 2008”) for the book „The End of Privacy“; “eco Internet AWARD 2008”, the special award of the Association of the German Internet Industry; German Data Protection Award of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) 2013, “Louis D. Brandeis Privacy Award“ of US Patients Privacy Rights (2014), Fellow of the German Society for Computer Sciences – Gesellschaft für Informatik – GI (2023)